What's this?
WebArchive Extractor is a utility that can take Apple's WebArchive file format, and turn the file into a "normal" directory structure which you can upload to a web server.
WebArchive files can be created by saving a web page in Safari (saving all the graphics, css, and images) or you can create one with TextEdit.
This utility's focus is on helping you to create simple HTML pages - with images - using TextEdit. The output is useful for static content or very simple web sites.

Source Code
To get the WebArchiveExtractor source, you’ll need to use the free and open source git version control system. Once you have git installed, you can clone the repository by going to project page
Licenses & Contributors
This version of WebArchiveExtractor was initially forked from Vitaly Davidenko's Web Archive Extractor utility which can be found on Sourceforge.